NICE Engagement with Industry Emily Crowe, NICE 6.12.18

Market Access/Orphan Medicines Group

The Market Access Group aims to:

  • reduce the hurdles to uptake in the UK and enable innovative products to reach patients in a timely manner
  • identify cost-effective solutions to market access challenges
  • work with government and officials to communicate solutions to market access challenges
  • understand the impact on the varied range of EMIG member companies (biotechs to mature companies) of gaining market access in the UK.
About the Chair


Market Access Group Events

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Downloadable Files:

EMIG Market Access Group 5.9.19

Brexit Opportunities for UK, Angela McFarlane 5.9.19

Developments in Ireland, Brenda Dooley AXIS Consulting 5.9.19

NICE Methodologies & RWD, Steve Norton, Map BioPharma 5.9.19

EMIG Update 5.12.19

DATA-CAN, Yosh Cook IQVIA 5.12.19

NHS Commercial Framework, Sovereignty of NHS Data, Angela McFarlane IQVIA 5.12.19